Friday, November 19, 2010

The Road to Spiral Jetty Gets an Upgrade (!)

".... Thanks to $18,000 from the Box Elder County Tourism Tax Advisory Board, road crews are currently reworking part of the Jetty road, especially the last two miles, which has, until now, been a solid bed of large, jagged basalt boulders. The rock-strewn road made even maintaining that stretch impossible for county equipment, according to Road Supervisor Bill Gilson. The county also hired C.A. Johnson Trenching out of Springville to bring in their quarter-million dollar rock grinder to turn the black boulders into much smaller stones. The grinder spent about three days churning up the roadway to the Jetty, leaving in its wake a softer and more manageable surface..."

Ellen Cook


Frangipan said...

This is brilliant news, I would love to get to Spiral Jetty one day and this will make the journey easier when it happens!

j. russell said...

It would have saved so many walks back and forth to the SUV that we parked 1/2 mile away!